- To obtain an effective filing date, following listed documents are required. However, FACSIMILE copies of all the documents can practically be used upon filing.
- Specification;
- Claims;
- Abstract;
- Drawings;
- Name and address of the inventor(s), name and address of the applicant(s). If the applicant is a company, name of the representative(s) is also required;
- Title of Invention in English and Abstract in English;
- The filing number, filing date and filing country of the basic application.
- Also, a Chinese translation of the data listed in item e shall be submitted simultaneously upon filing. If such Chinese translation cannot be decided upon filing, a temporary version can be submitted upon filing, and a succeeding request for amendment can be filed upon applicant’s instructions.
- Power of Attorney signed by the applicant shall be submitted upon filing, or can be submitted within 4 months from the filing date;
- Priority document or access code of the priority document for the basic application filed in Japan or Korea (if priority is to be claimed) shall be submitted within 16 months from the first priority date; and
- Chinese translation of item a through d shall be submitted upon filing, or can be submitted within 4 months from the filing date;
- Among the above listed requirements, the submission of items h & j can be extended for another 2 months. However, the submission of Priority document or access code(item i) is in any case inextensible.