Alan C.H. Chen
Legal Counsel
- Taipei Bar Association
- Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association (TWPAA)
- Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA)
- BS in Electrical Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University
- MS in Law, Soochow University
- Ph.D., National Chiao-Tung University, Institute of Technology Law
- Lee & Li, Taiwan, Senior Attorney-at-law
- Member of Intellectual Property Rights Committee, Taiwan Bar Association
- Deputy Director of On-Job-Training Committee, Taiwan Patent Attorney Association
- Talent Attorneys-at-law
- Agreement review and drafting in Chinese/English
- Civil and criminal litigation in Taiwan
- Technology licensing and infringement disputes for high technology industry
- Intellectual property issues, such as patent prosecution, patent administrative litigation, dispute resolution and patent infringement litigation
- Patent Infringement Assessment matters
- Reviewing and negotiating for domestic and international intellectual property disputes and corporation matters in Chinese/English